Chapter 9- Gypsy's Deciet and the Princess

When Wrangler woke the next morning Bird Star was already gone. She thought this to be weird but figured it had to do with the festival. After folding the blankets she decided to find Oracle, exiting the tent she found her standing outside the tent.
“Good Morning dear. Sleep well?” “Yes, but I have a lot of questions to ask.” “Ah, as I expected.” smile Oracle “We shall answer them later though the festival has begun.” “What shall I do? I fell so useless, I have no talent and feel like I’ll be in the way.” “None sense” came a voice from behind her. She turned to find Bird Star with his bow and arrows. “You are going to accompany to the Castle.” “The Castle!?” “Yes the King has requested a performance in the castle’s garden.” he puffed his chest out. Wrangler poked him in the chest, “Do you think that is wise with me having no papers?” “No worries” he coughed. “Be careful you two and have fun.” Oracle chuckled.
“How far to the Castle?” “Not far. You’ll love the garden, it should be in full bloom.” They followed a road up to the Castle’s entrance, Wrangler was amazed at its beautiful it was. A guard stopped them at the gate, “Please state your business.” “I am Bird Star, leader of the Gypsy’s . I have been invited to preform for the royal family, this is my assistant Wrangler.” “Ah welcome Bird Star. The royal family awaits you in the garden.” he motioned for them to follow. When they arrived at the garden Wrangler noticed that there were targets sit up for Bird Star. The royal family were sitting in the shade having a conversation with one another. King Silverwind was the first to notice them. “Ah Bird Star, you’ve arrived.” he smiled. “Yes, your majesty” he bowed “This is my assistant Wrangler.” Wrangler bowed to the King. “Nice to meet you” the King Smiled at her. “Should I get started?” “Yes, please do. We have been waiting so long to see your archery skills again.” The Queen giggled “My dear I think you have been waiting, we are here simply to keep you company.” The King blushed causing the Princess to giggle. “I am honored.” Bird Star took his bow and arrows from Wrangler. He whispered “Watch this.” For the next hour Bird Star shot at different targets. They were placed in many places, some moving while others were in awkward positions. When every target had been hit he stood in from of the royal family.
“Your highness this was a much harder course this time.” “I hope so” smiled Silverwind “I have been working on it for awhile” “Well I have completed your course is there anything else we can do for you?” Silverwind nodded “No you have completed the course, until the next time we meet safe journeys.” “Thank you, your highness.” he bowed and then turned to the Queen and Princess “Thank you for watching” he bowed to both of them. “Have a good evening.” replied the Queen. Wrangler and Bird Star bowed to them and turned to leave. Once outside the castle walls Wrangler noticed Bird Star smiling at her. “What!?” “Oh nothing. What would you like to do tonight?” “Isn’t there a bon fire with story telling tonight?” “Yes, it is a tradition that every night a bon fire is lit and stories told to all that gather.” “Sounds like fun, besides it will give me some background on Ponyland.” “Just remember some stories get changed over time. I don’t think I’ve heard the same story told the same way.” “Just think of it this way, you get to spend time with me.” Once they reached the gypsy camp site they paused to watch the ponies rush to get the bon fire built. Bird Star led the way back to the tent, he was the first one in. “I have something for you.” he walked over to the table and opened a small box. Taking something out of it, he closed the lid and then turned towards her. “Now close your eyes.” She closed her eyes and waited for him to tell her to open them. She felt something slip over her neck and lay on her chest. “Okay open them.” She looked down and a beautiful silver necklace with a pendent was there. The pendent was a silver heart with flames engulfing it. “Bird Star it’s beautiful.” “My heart is on fire when I’m with you” he smiled. She embraced him “Thank you. I love it.” “And I love you.” he kissed her before she could reply. “Let’s go to the bonfire.” They found a spot a little ways back from the group. Wrangler listened to the stories intrigued by each one. After a few stories Bird Star became wary and he leaned over and whispered in her ear “Meet me back at the tent in a few minutes, let’s not make a scene leaving together.” “Okay” she whispered back.
Bird Star stood up and stretched, he walked off in the direction of the tent. Some ponies glanced over to see if Wrangler would leave too but she acted like she was engrossed in the story being told. Wrangler waited about ten minutes before she got up, yawning to make it seem like she was tired. She made her way back towards the tent, smiling at each pony as she walked by.
When she arrived there were two silhouettes were against the tent, she figured someone had wanted to talk to Bird Star. Pulling back the flap Wrangler gasped, right in front of her Gypsy and Bird Star were locked in a kiss. Bird Star quickly pushed Gypsy away “Wrangler this isn’t what it looks like!” Gypsy smiled coyly at Wrangler as she rubbed up against Bird Star. “How could you!?” tears welled in her eyes. “Wrangler no, she kissed me not the other way around. I love you not her!” Tears ran down Wrangler’s face “I trusted you.” She grabbed the necklace and tore it off. “You can have this back.” She said as she threw it at him.
It landed at his feet, slowly picking it up he looked at her tears filling his eyes “Don’t you believe me?” “Actions speak louder than words, my love.” Gypsy cooed in his ear. Wrangler ran out of the tent, she took off out of camp, not knowing where she would go she let her legs take her. “Wrangler wait!!” Bird Star called after her. Gypsy stepped in front of him. “Let her go, she does not trust you or she wouldn’t have left.” Bird Star glare at her “I will NEVER love you! Get out of my tent before I do something I’ll regret!” Gypsy snorted at him “You’ll come around, before she came along you only had eyes for me.”
Meanwhile Wrangler ran until she couldn’t hardly breath, her vision was blurry from her tears. She heard a rumble and then it started to rain heavily, hanging her head she walked with a broken heart. She bumped into something and looking up she noticed a door, looking around she opened it and walked through. Closing the door behind her she started exploring, there were plants and flowers everywhere. Wrangler hoped the heavy rain would ruin them. A lighting bolt skirted across the sky and in the quick flash she saw another pony. “Wwwhhhooo’s theeerree?” she called. “I should be the one asking that?” “Please I mean no harm, I got lost in the storm.” The other pony slowly approached , a glow appeared above it’s head. “It’s you!!” the both gasped. “I mean what are you doing here?” asked the Princess. Wrangler’s eyes filled with tears, a few fell but were lost in the rain. “Oh you poor thing, come with me.” the Princess lead the way to a large tree. “We’ll be dry under here.” “Thank you” Wrangler smiled weakly. “Now your name was Wrangler, right?” “Yes. What’s yours?” “Morning Star. Now tell me why you are so upset.” Wrangler let her whole story poor out, for some reason she felt safe telling the Princess. “Hhhmmm, I’ve never heard of this Legend before. Bird Star needs to be talked to, I will have Flameblade find him tomorrow.” “Oh please don’t hurt him, he may have broken my heart but still.” Morning Star giggled “No I want Flameblade to find him so I can talk to him.” Wrangler smiled at the Morning Star, she was being so kind to her. “Looks like the rain has stopped.” “I should go then, don’t want to keep you.” “Where are you staying? I would like too talk again tomorrow.” “Um, in the forest, I guess. I was staying with the gypsies.” “None sense! You will stay here, we have enough rooms. A good nights sleep and a warm bath in the morning.” Morning Star told her. “Thank you Princess your so kind.” Morning Star giggled “Please when we aren’t around others call me Morning Star.” “Okay” blushed Wrangler. Morning Star escorted her into the castle and took her to a room. Wrangler could believe how big it was. “My room is just down the hall from you. Get a good nights sleep, we’ll talk tomorrow.” “Thank you” Wrangler entered the room and admired everything. There was a small couch just as you entered the room, a vanity on one wall and a huge closet on the other. She noticed a door next to the bed and walked over to it. Pushing it open she looked out onto a balcony, glanced over and noticed another door. She opened it to find a large bathroom “Wow I could never leave this room.” Morning Star giggled “Goodnight Wrangler.” “Night Morning Star.” Morning Star turned and left Wrangler in her room. Wrangler pulled the blankets back on the bed and climbed in. The bed was enormous but very soft and warm, in no time she was out.
Meanwhile back at the gypsy camp Bird Star was talking with Oracle. “Gypsy will pay for what she has done.” he stamped his foot. “Calm down Bird Star, in due time.” “Oracle why did this happen? I just found her.” Oracle smiled weakly “You knew it was coming, the legend foretold it.” “My child you can not change others destinies. She has a path to follow and unfortunately it does not look to be the same as yours.” Bird Star’s eyes filled with tears “I will love no other.” “That is up to you my son. Maybe one day your path’s will cross again.” “Thank you mother. Good night.” After he left Oracle sat in front of her crystal ball. It clouded over and then cleared up, she smiled as she watched a ponies future. “You will do great things young one.” she smiled