Chapter 23- Return to the Castle

“Stay put!” the solider yelled at them.
Ice Crystal jumped down from Talis and approached the solider. “I am Commander Ice Crystal, drop your weapons, they mean no harm to us.”
“Sorry sir can’t do that.”
“Excuse me that was an order solider!”
The other boys jumped down from Talis leaving Wrangler and Flameblade alone on his back.
“The King will not be happy with this” Fireball told Ice Crystal.
“Who told you to do this?” Ice Crystal asked.
“We are not to inform you” the soldier replied. “We are just to capture the monster.”
Wrangler’s blood began to boil at the stupidity of these soldiers.
Flameblade seen the change happening in Wrangler before any one else. “Wrangler calm down”
Wrangler whipped her head around at him “No! This is not what I expected when I came back, we were told there would be no harm done. We were lied to and I will protect Talis with my life.”

A blue mist started to gather around Wrangler slowly covering her completely. When it started to dissipate Flameblade gasped at what he saw. Wrangler’s wings had turned into white draconic wings and her eyes had gone draconic. She sneered at the soldiers surrounding them and slowly lifted herself off of Talis’s back.

“Stand down” ordered Ice Crystal as he watched Wrangler out of the corner of his eye. “I can not control her or her actions.”
“We have our orders” the solider said in a shaky voice.
“If I was you I would forget your orders” yelled Flameblade from Talis’s back. “Talis can’t you do something?”
Talis just stood staring at Wrangler, he did not think that she would be able to transform until much later. He was amazed at the connection they had only finding each other a short while ago.

“I will only say it once drop your weapons!” she commanded.
The solider looked at her with fear in his eyes and started to shake. “I can not disobey orders.”
Ice Crystal stepped forward “Then let me take the blame but for god shakes man order everyone to drop there weapons before something happens.”
The solider averted his eyes to Ice Crystal and hesitantly lowered his weapon, the others slowly followed suit.
“Little one its safe now, you can relax.”
Wrangler slowly turned towards Talis as the blue mist returned swirling around her when it disappeared she was back in her normal form.
“I’m sor…..” before she could finish she fainted. Talis caught her with his hand.
“Wrangler!” Flameblade gasped and flew down to her, softly taking her from Talis. “I’ll take care of her, go ahead and fly back so nothing happens to you.”
Talis looked at Wrangler and then nodded to Flameblade. Pushing off the ground he caused dirt to whip up around the ponies disappearing as quickly as he had come.
“Will she be okay?” asked Tornado.
Flameblade felt Wrangler breathing softly and knew she had just collapsed from over exertion. “She’ll be fine once she rest, I will take her inside the castle but I don’t want any trouble.”

Ice Crystal stepped forward “I am heading to the King now to find out what this is all about. I will find you once I know and fill you in.”
“Sounds good” Flameblade turned and entered the castle, walking to the rooms they had stayed in before they left. Opening the door to one of the rooms he walked in and placed Wrangler on the bed. “Sleep now, I wont be leaving your side.” He pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat down keeping an eye on the door so that no one would enter without his knowing.
“I’m here little one.”
“What happened to me?”
“Something that I didn’t expect to happen for awhile. You are much more powerful then I could feel.”
“Your talking in riddles.”
“I wanted to wait to explain it until we were together, I will tell you this do not be afraid of it.”
“But what happened?”
“Sleep little one, you need to rest.”

Wrangler shot up in bed and cried out into the night.

Flameblade fell out of his chair from being startled. “Wrangler, are you okay?” he asked looking over the seat.
“Huh? Flameblade where am I?”
“Inside the castle, you collapsed after your umm, well I don’t know what to really call it, transformation.”
“Flameblade please tell me exactly what you seen?” Wrangler pleaded as she turned to face him.
“I would like to know also” came a voice from the doorway.

They both turned to find the King and Queen standing there. Flameblade quickly got up and stood in front of the bed blocking the path to Wrangler.

“Why did your guards attack us today!?” demanded Flameblade.
“Dear is this true?” gasped the Queen
The King sighed “I can only apologize, I have no idea why they did that. I am having it investigated as I told you before the dragon is welcomed here.”
“How do I know that isn’t a trick? I have to protect Wrangler and I don’t like being attacked and having your own guards ignore a direct order from a solider higher in command than them.” Flameblade stated.
“I assure you we mean no harm to either Wrangler or Talis” the Queen looked at him with sorrow in his eyes.
“Flameblade it’s okay” Wrangler told him as she walked up beside him.
“But Wrangler they attacked you and look at what happened!” he exclaimed.
The Queen gasped “What happened? Are you alright my dear?” she stepped closer to Wrangler.
“I’m not sure what happened, things are kinda blurry right now and Talis said he would tell me after I had rested.”
“Flameblade what did you see?” asked the Queen.
Flameblade turned to Wrangler “You got very angry at the guards and a blue mist surrounded you, when it disappeared you had changed.”
“What do you mean changed?” Wrangler asked
“Your wings were like Talis’s only smaller and your eyes looked exactly like his. If Ice Crystal hadn’t got the guards to back down I am afraid to know what you would have done. The look in your eyes sent chills down my back.”
Wrangler slowly backed up from them “May I be left alone please?”
“Wrangler, dear don’t be upset. None of us are angry with you.”
“Dear I think we should go, if you need us just have us summoned” the King said as he ushered is wife out.
“Wrangler” Flameblade started to say but she hung her head.
“Please let me be alone, I don’t want to be around anyone right now.”
Flameblade seen a tear hit the floor and he sighed. “I will be right outside by the door, if you need me.”
Wrangler shook her head but never looked up. Flameblade shook his head and turned to leave, he paused at the door.
“For what its worth, I think no differently of you and you shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself.” He turned and left shutting the door behind him.
Once the door had shut Wrangler said out loud softly “I am not ashamed of it I am afraid of what I might do in that state.” She slowly turned and walked to the balcony door and looked out at the sky staring at the stars. “Oh Morning Star I really need you right now.”
Back at Royal Sky Castle, Morning Star was sitting out on her balcony when she felt pain and heard Wranglers voice.
“Oh Morning Star I really need you right now.”
Morning Star bolted up right and called out to Naxiver “Naxiver where are you?”
“Right here my dear.” He came out onto the balcony. “What’s wrong?”
“I need to get to Wrangler now, she needs me” there was sadness in her eyes. “I can feel her pain and I can hear her calling out to me.”
“Okay, we will leave first thing in the morning.”
“Let my father know, he can with us or stay here.”
Naxiver nodded and left to get the preparations ready for there trip.
“Hold on Wrangler, I’m coming” she said as she looked up at the stars.

A few hours passed when Flameblade knocked softly on the door and waited for a response.
“Yes?” Wrangler asked softly.
“I have your dinner” he called to her.
The door slowly opened and Flameblade entered the room. He placed the tray on the bed and turned to Wrangler only to see that she had been crying.
“Wrangler please don’t cry, you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not ashamed Flameblade, I am who I am. Morning Star taught me that when I first meet her.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“I am afraid of what I might do in that state. I can remember how I felt and it scares me.”
“Talis’s will surely train you on how to handle that. Wont he?”
“I don’t know he doesn’t want to talk about it until we are together.” she sighed.
“It’s just a few days, they will go by quickly.”
“I wish I could see Morning Star, I miss her so much.”
“I bet she feels the same way but she knows you have to do this and she understands” he smiled at her. Wrangler walked over to the window and sighed “I know.”
“Why don’t you try and get some sleep. We’ll figure things out first thing in the morning.” He walked over to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder “Remember I’ll be right here with you the whole time.”
She smiled weakly at him “Thanks Flameblade but your right I should get some sleep.”
He nodded at her and waited for her to climb into her bed. Once she was asleep he quietly slipped into his room and went to bed.


The next morning was hectic at Royal Sky Castle, everyone was rushing around trying to get everything ready for the trip to Diarmuid Castle.

“I wish I could go dear but some one should stay here.” Queen Rainsong smiled at her daughter “Tell Wrangler hello for me.”
“I will mother. Father are you coming with us?”
“Yes, I would like to see King Bryn again and to meet Talis” he replied back.
“Don’t forget you owe Wrangler an apology for the way you acted towards her” Morning Star reminded him.
He nodded his head “Yes dear, I do remember. Well if everything is ready we should get going, it is a 2 day trip.”
“Not this time, I will be winking us there now.”
Rainsong gasped “Dear do you think that is wise?”
“It’s okay mom, I talked with Kaena last night and we both believe I am strong enough to do it.”
“Besides, King Bryn is expecting us no later than this afternoon” Naxiver stated as he joined them.
“Who is all going?” King Silverwind asked.
“You, Nxavier, Blackberry and myself” Morning Star replied.
As she finished telling her father Blackberry appeared with a few servants that were carrying packs for them.

“Just a few things for us while we are away” Blackberry smiled.
Once everyone had there packs on Morning Star motioned for all of them to gather around her. Rainsong watched as they all disappeared in a shower of pink stars.


“Does Wrangler know she is coming?” Queen Fauna asked her husband.
“No this is suppose to be a surprise. Flameblade wanted to take her outside this morning so she will not know they have arrived until after they are settled in.”
“She will be so surprised and happy, it will be good to see her smile again” the Queen stated.
“Yes it will” smiled the King
They watched as a swirl of pink stars appeared and shortly a group of ponies.
“Hello King Silverwind, Welcome back to Castle. We are delighted and honored to have you and your daughter here. Princess Morning Star it is good to see you in good health” King Bryn addressed them.
“Yes welcome” smiled Queen Fauna.
“Thank you for having us” smiled King Silverwind.
“If I may be blunt, where is Wrangler I can’t wait to see her” Morning Star smiled.
Queen Fauna giggled “She is in the gardens, come I will take you to her.”
“We’ll get settled and join you” Naxiver told her.
Queen Fauna motioned for Morning Star to follow her “Wrangler will be so happy to see you.”
“How is she?”
“Well since she got back she has been quite depressed but I guess that would have to do with the incident.”
“Incident? What Incident is that?” Morning Star asked worriedly.
“Well I will let her tell you, after all it did happen to her.”
They heard voices coming from outside and the Queen smiled. “Looks like Flameblade got her to start laughing.”
They walked outside to find a wet Wrangler chasing a laughing Flameblade through the sky.
“You are so going to get it!” Wrangler yelled at him
“Not my fault you fell into the fountain” he laughed at her.
“Fell no more like pushed into the fountain.”
“I did nothing of the sort” he snickered at her
“Oh I beg to differ and soon I wont be the only wet pony. Wait until I get my hooves on you.” She took off towards him at a fast speed.
“Oh no you don’t.” he moved out of the way so she wouldn’t catch him.
“Ugh” she snorted in frustration.
Flameblade looked down and noticed Queen Fauna and Morning Star standing in the garden below them.
“Wrangler we have company”
She turned and seen Morning Star standing there and gasped. “Is it really you?”
Morning Star giggled “Of course its me”
Wrangler flew start towards her friend and tackled her to the ground. “I’m so glad to see you.”
Morning Star started laughing “I think I could tell.”
“Opps, sorry a little excited I guess” Wrangler blushed as she climbed off her friend.
“Quite alright darling” Morning Star smiled at her friend.
“I’ve missed you so much” Wrangler hugged her friend.
“I’ve missed you too” Morning Star hugged her back.
“Hello Princess” Flameblade greeted her as he landed next to them.
“Hello Flameblade, I see your taking good care of my friend here” she winked at him.
“Yes just as asked” he smiled.
“When did you get here?” Wrangler asked
“Just a little bit ago, she winked us all the way from Royal Sky Castle” Nxavier said as he joined them “Hello Wrangler, Flameblade.”
“Nxavier it’s good to see you” smiled Wrangler.
“Anyone else come with you two?” asked Flameblade
“Yes King Silverwind and Blackberry are inside with King Bryn. They will be joining us out here shortly.”

Wrangler sank back from the group she wasn’t for sure how King Silverwind felt about her and she know after he discovered what happened the other day he would banish her from the Castle.

“Wrangler, dear what’s wrong?” asked Queen Fauna.
Everyone stopped talking and turned to her waiting for her answer. She went to respond when King Bryn appeared with the others.
“There you all are” King Bryn smiled as he came out “Something wrong?”
“We were about to find out when you joined us” Nxavier stated.
Wrangler looked at Silverwind and sank back further from the group.
“Father I think there was something you wanted to tell Wrangler.”
“Yes, Wrangler could you come here?”
She slowly walked over to him not looking him in the eyes.
“I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you before and to let you know that you and Talis are welcome at the castle. King Bryn supplied us with a lot of information and I can see I was a fool for believing the old stories.”
“Thank you” she said softly
Morning Star could still tell there was something wrong with her friend. She knew that Wrangler should have been jumping for joy since her father rarely apologized to anyone. “Wrangler something is wrong please tell us.”
Wrangler started shaking and looked at Flameblade for help.
“Wrangler its okay, I told you she would understand.” He told her with concern in his eyes.
Morning Star walked up to her friend and looked her straight in the eyes “No matter what I will always love you and stand by you. You should know that by now, I consider you my sister.”
Tears started streaming Wrangler’s face and she turned her head away. “Yesterday something happened when we arrived back here.”
“Yes go on” Morning star urged her gently.
“I was so angry at the guards for attacking us and then, and then I changed.”
“You changed?” asked Nxavier
Wrangler shook her head but couldn’t find the words.
“She transformed is a better word for it” Flameblade spoke up.
“Flameblade?” Morning Star looked at him
“Do you want me to explain to them?” he asked Wrangler.
She shook her head never taking her eyes off the ground.

“When we arrived back here we were attacked by some of the soliders from the palace. When they were commanded to drop there weapons they stood there ground. Wrangler got very upset by this thinking the King had betrayed her trust. A blue mist surrounded her and when it disappeared she was standing in from of me in a draconic state.”

“What do you mean draconic?” Morning Star asked.
“Her wings and eyes were draconic.” He replied back to her.
“Oh Wrangler” Morning Star embraced her friend “Why were you afraid to tell me this? I told you what I am like when I am merge with Kaena.”
"But I have no control over myself when I am in that state" she pulled away from her friend. "What if I hurt someone?"
"I am sure Talis will train you so that wont happen." Morning Star reasurred her friend.
Wrangler shook her head "He's not here what if it happens and he's not here?"
"Wrangler please calm down sweetie" Morning Star looked at her friend. "Don't get so worked up, I will never hate you for anyway you are."
"Why dont you go lay down dear?" Queen Fauna suggested.
"That sounds like a good idea" Morning Star smiled.
"But you just got here and I want to spend time with you." Wrangler argued.
Morning Star giggled "I wont be going any where any time soon."
"Come on, I'll walk you to your room. I need to rest myself" Queen Fauna smiled
"I'll see you later" Morning Star hugged her friend.
"Okay" Wrangler turned and followed Queen Fauna out of the garden.
"Everything will be okay Wrangler, I promise that no harm will come to you." Queen Fauna told her in a sweet voice.
"Thank you."
Once they reached her room Wrangler went in and climbed onto her bed she hadnt realized she was still tired. She quickly fell asleep never hearing Flameblade come into the room to watch over her.


Meanwhile King Bryn had excorted the others back into the throne room.
"We'll let her rest for a bit. It's been a rough time for her."
Morning Star sighed "I wish I could have been here to help her."
"Your here now and that is what matters" Nxavier told her.
"Yes to true" King Bryn agreed.
"I don't mean to be the sour apple but how do we know that in this state she wont hurt anyone?" King Silverwind asked.
"Father!" Morning Star cried.
"It's quite alright Princess" King Bryn told her "She stopped herself this time and I dont think Talis would let her hurt anyone unless needed."
"You heard her yourself, she doesnt know how to control this new power" King Silverwind stated.
"Enough!" Morning Star was becoming angry "I know Wrangler would never hurt anyone unless she was threatened."
"Morning Star think clearly, the words came out of her mouth not mine." Silverwind retorted.
"NO! You listen do not think that you can come here and bully her. I came her to see her and support her. She needs me and I will be there for her! I know what she is going through and I may be the only one who can help her." Once she had finished she turned around to leave.
"I have to agree with the Princess, Silverwind. As long as Wrangler is in my kingdom no harm will come to her or to Talis." King Bryn spoke up.
"Understood but I still think we should all be careful" he shook his head.
Wrangler was sleeping feeling weightless when Talis called to her.
"Little one, what is wrong? I can feel you hurting?"
"I am confused that's all."
"Talk to me"
"Tell me about what happened yesterday"
"Why cant you wait until I return?"
"I am afarid and need to know what I am turning into"
"You are you and that is all that matters"
"Ugh you sound like Morning Star!"
"She speaks the truth, please do not fear this."
"When will you be returning?"
"Are you not enjoying yourself?"
"It's great seeing Morning Star again but I am afarid I will hurt her or someone else."
"Do not think that way Little One, that would never happen."
"Can you promise me that."
"Would you like me to come back tomorrow?"
"Are you dodging my question?"
"I can not promise that you wont hurt anyone but I will guide you so that you do not hurt anyone you love."
"Yes please come back, I would love it if Morning Star could spend some time with you."
"I will leave tomorrow morning, I will contact you when I am near."
"Sleep well Talis"
"Sleep well Little One"

Wrangler stirred from her sleep to find Flameblade dozed off in the chair next to her bed. She thought this would be a great oppurtinity to get even. Quietly slipping off the bed she walked to the night stand and grabbed the pitcher of water. When she was standing beside the chair she stood on her hind legs and poured the cold water on his head.

"What the....!" he exclaimed.
Wrangler fell to the floor in a fit of giggles "I told you I would get even." she said between gasps for breath.
"Oh you are gonna pay for that!" he pounced on her and started tickling her causing her to squeel.
"Stop.....please....stop" she gasped for breath.
"Oh no I dont think so."
"To bad." he laughed.
Neither one had noticed that Nxavier and Morning Star had entered the room. Nxavier raised his eyebrows at Morning Star in a suggestive manner and she just rolled her eyes.

Morning Star cleared her thoart "I dont mean to interrupt but...."
"Oh Morning Star!" Wrangler gasped and pushed Flameblade off of her "It's not what you think" she blushed.
"I bet" teased Nxavier.
This caused Wrangler to blush even more.
"I was just trying to lighten her mood." Flameblade state as he got up.
"Lighten her mood huh" Nxavier teased.
"Nxavier stop it! Look at poor Wrangler she is beat red" Morning Star stated "Besides its no of our business" she teased.
Both Wrangler and Flameblade's mouth dropped open causing her to laugh.
"Kidding, I'm just kidding you guys. Come on we came to tell you dinner was ready."
"Maybe we should leave them alone, since we did inturrpt something." Nxavier teased.
"We ready" Flameblade stated as he walked out of the room.
Morning Star walked over to her friend "It's okay Wrangler, we were only teasing."
"I know but it was still embarassing" she blushed again. "Oh I wanted to tell you Talis will be returning tomorrow."
"Really? That is awesome!"
"Hmmm someone is excited to meet him" teased Wrangler.
This time Morning Star blushed "Sorry got a little excited there."
"Tis okay, let's grab a bite to eat."

After dinner Morning Star and Wrangler went for a walk through out the gardens catching up on what had happened while they were apart. Morning Star was proud of her friend for starting to become her own person. She was very interested in the Story that Demetrius had told her and listened to her carefully as she repeated it. Once Wrangler was done they both agreed to meet in the garden for an early morning flying trip without anyone else. After saying goodnight they both heading off to bed.

"Night Star, sleep well" Wrangler hugged her friend.
"Night darlin, you too" she hugged her back.
Nxavier and Flameblade walked up behind them.
"Careful now Star, Flameblade may get jealous." she joked.
"Okay let's go smarty pants" Morning Star rolled her eyes and walked off.
"Nite guys" Flameblade called out to them.
"Well goodnight" Wrangler told him and turned and entered her room.
"Yeah goodnight." he went into his room and climbed into his bed.

When everyone in the castle was fast asleep not a sound could be heard. Some where off in the distance a wizard was was watching them. He disappeared in a whisp of gray smoke going back to his master to rely the message that one of the Triad had returned.